Edmonton Overlanders Club Report

From the March 1997 edition of Legends

24 in a row.....

This year the edmonton Overlanders are pleased to announce that this year they have scheduled 24 Wednesday evening events in a row - that's every Wednesday from mid April until the end of Septmeber, including all of July and August! Barry has been organizing event directors and locations. There's always room for more event directors (there's even a two evening course to learn how to do it).

......and forest events, too

There are plenty of events in the forest this year. In the Spring there are two weekends with events on both Saturday and Sunday. In July, it's EOOC's turn to host the Alberta Championships - this will include register-on-the-day Map Hiker courses. In the Fall there's anothger weekend of forest events. Check the enclosed schedule for the exact dates and mark them on your calendar NOW.

Other events

Again this year we will be putting on a relay event for the Corporate Challenge on 31 May. Eugene will be looking for volunteers to help with this event. Most of the jobs requier no special training.

This event will be sponsored by Map Town.

Thanks, Tom and Barbara

Since our last newsletter two more members have joined our executive committee. Tom DeVries is our new secretary - he brings his lap top to our meetings and types the minutes as we speak!

Barbara Davidson is our new promotions person. She's getting married in the summer, so will appreciate offers of help distributing schedules advertisng events etc.


Thanks to the more than 100 members who renewed their memberships promptly. They have all received a coupon to give to a friend for a free entry to any event put on by the club this season.

If you have lost your membership form or have any membership questions, please contact Marilyn.

Don't forget you can use your membership card to get discounts on regularly priced merchandise at:

Campers Village, 10951 170 Street

Track 'N Trail, 10148 82 Avenue

Fast Trax, 7240 101 Avenue

Ask for your discount BEFORE your purchases are rung up at the till.

Winter activities

There were two pot luck socials during the winter months. Thanks for Marie for hosting the January one, and the Edmunds for the one in February, and to all the folks who came along and shared their goodies.


Our club newsletter editor, Phyllis, is moving to British Columbia (does she realize OABC is looking for a newsletter editor, I wonder?). So now EOOC is looking for someone to take on the job ofputting together our club newsletter. To find out more about this volunteer position, please call the President, Don Scott or Marilyn.